how to choose a telecom vendor

Your wireless costs might increase because of COVID-19 – but they won’t if you follow these 3 steps.

Attention CEOs and CFOs of America: HERE IS A CHECK FOR *$200,000 TO SUPPLEMENT YOUR________________?

A. Finance Team B. IT Budget C. Procurement Department D. Operations Infrastructure E. Wish List F. All of the above Wouldn’t it be great if the CFO could just wave her magic wand and create some extra money? It seems as if that is what she is expected to do anyway – regardless of the

Attention CEOs and CFOs of America: HERE IS A CHECK FOR *$200,000 TO SUPPLEMENT YOUR________________? Read More »

Your wireless costs might increase because of COVID-19 – but they won’t if you follow these 3 steps.

Telecom Audit Case Study: Enterprise Solution

Customer Overview: A leading national retailer engaged Profit Advisory Group to strategically source their spend for voice, data, wireless, internet and equipment. Spend volume: USD 10 million annually on service and USD 18 million in new equipment. Project included more than 575 global locations. Key Telecom Challenges & Objectives: Challenges included extensive data collection efforts

Telecom Audit Case Study: Enterprise Solution Read More »

Your wireless costs might increase because of COVID-19 – but they won’t if you follow these 3 steps.

Telecom Audit Case Study: Southeastern Grocer

Customer Overview: A North Carolina based Grocery Store chain engaged Profit Advisory Group to audit their spend for Local, Long Distance, Cellular and DSL services. Spend volume: $2,247,000 annually. Project included nearly 250 locations. Key Challenges & Objectives: Challenges included data collection from 17 vendors. Client-Vendor relationships were virtually non-existent. Project objectives included cost reduction,

Telecom Audit Case Study: Southeastern Grocer Read More »

Your wireless costs might increase because of COVID-19 – but they won’t if you follow these 3 steps.

Why Your Hospital Needs TEM

Arguably, hospitals have the greatest need for telecom expense management compared to other types of organizations. Hospitals need to ensure that they have the latest, greatest, and most reliable telecom infrastructure. With inadequate telecom service, a patient’s health or personal information could be at risk. Furthermore, there are many compliance related issues that are secured

Why Your Hospital Needs TEM Read More »