
If your business doesn’t have a technology lifecycle management plan, you need one now. This blog explains why.

What Is a Technology Lifecycle Management Plan, and
Why Do You Need One?

The idea of technology lifecycle management (TLM) is not new, but our increasing dependence on technology to function in business makes these plans more important than ever. Companies that don’t have a technology lifecycle management plan should start creating one now. Why Technology Lifecycle Management Matters for Your Business A recent McAfee report1 titled “Every Company […]

What Is a Technology Lifecycle Management Plan, and
Why Do You Need One?
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Your wireless costs might increase because of COVID-19 – but they won’t if you follow these 3 steps.

I am a CFO, a Smart Guy/Girl; Why Can’t I Understand the Language my IT Staff is Speaking?

Not for nothing, but your IT gurus equally do not understand when you discuss ROI, EBITDA or SG&A. Specific job functions each have their own lingo, but there are 3 primary reasons that even smart people who are not technologists get lost in a conversation with one within seconds… aka “you lost me at hello.”

I am a CFO, a Smart Guy/Girl; Why Can’t I Understand the Language my IT Staff is Speaking? Read More »